Darkdump2 – Search The Deep Web Straight From Your Terminal

Darkdump is a simple script written in Python3.11 in which it allows users to enter a search term (query) in the command line and darkdump will pull all the deep web sites relating to that query. Darkdump2.0 is here, enjoy! Installation Usage Example 1: python3 darkdump.py –query programmingExample 2: python3 darkdump.py –query=”chat rooms”Example 3: python3 …

DFShell : The Best Forwarded Shell

D3Ext’s Forwarded Shell is a python3 script which use mkfifo to simulate a shell into the victim machine. It creates a hidden directory in /dev/shm/.fs/ and there are stored the fifos. You can even have a tty over a webshell. In case you want a good webshell with code obfuscation, login panel and more functions …

God Genesis : Payload Capable Bypass All The Known Antiviruses And Endpoints

God Genesis is a C2 server purely coded in Python3 created to help Red Teamers and Penetration Testers. Currently It only supports TCP reverse shell but wait a min, its a FUD and can give u admin shell from any targeted WINDOWS Machine. The List Of Commands It Supports :- =================================================================================================== BASIC COMMANDS: =================================================================================================== help …

Py3webfuzz : A Python3 Module To Assist In Fuzzing Web Applications

Based on pywebfuzz, Py3webfuzz is a Python3 module to assist in the identification of vulnerabilities in web applications, Web Services through brute force, fuzzing and analysis. The module does this by providing common testing values, generators and other utilities that would be helpful when fuzzing web applications, API endpoints and developing web exploits. It has …

Taser : Python3 Resource Library For Creating Security Related Tooling

TASER (Testing And SEecurity Resource) is a Python resource library used to simplify the process of creating offensive security tooling, especially those relating to web or external assessments. It’s modular design makes it easy for code to be customized and re-purposed in a variety of scenarios. Key Features Easily invoke web spiders or search engine …

GRAT2 : Command And Control (C2) Project For Learning Purpose

GRAT2 is a Command and Control (C2) tool written in python3 and the client in .NET 4.0. The main idea came from Georgios Koumettou who initiated the project. Why we developed GRAT2 ? We are aware that there are numerous C2 tools out there but, we developed this tool due to curiosity of how C2 …

XSS-Freak : XSS Scanner Fully Written In Python3 From Scratch

XSS-Freak is an xss scanner fully written in python3 from scratch. it is one of its kind since it crawls the website for all possible links and directories to expand its attack scope. Then it searches them for inputs tags and then launches a bunch of xss payloads. if an inputs is not sanitized and …

SMTPTester : Small Python3 Tool To Check Common Vulnerabilities In SMTP Servers

SMTPTester is a python3 tool to test SMTP server for 3 common vulnerabilities: Spoofing – The ability to send a mail on behalf of an internal user Relay – Using this SMTP server to send email to other address outside of the organization User Enumeration – using the SMTP VRFY command to check if specific …

FudgeC2 : A Collaborative C2 Framework For Purple-Teaming Written In Python3, Powershell & .NET

FudgeC2 is a campaign orientated Powershell C2 framework built on Python3/Flask – Designed for team collaboration, client interaction, campaign timelining, and usage visibility. Note: FudgeC2 is currently in alpha stage, and should be used with caution in non-test environments. Beta will be released later this year, at BlackHat Arsenal. Setup Installation To quickly install & run …

Weebdns : DNS Enumeration with Asynchronicity

WeebDNS is a DNS Enumeration Tool with Asynchronicity. DISCLAIMER: This is only for testing purposes and can only be used where strict consent has been given. Do not use this for illegal purposes, period. Features It is an ‘Asynchronous‘ DNS Enumeration Tool made with Python3 which makes it much faster than normal Tools. PREREQUISITES Python …