FaceBF – Understanding The Ethical And Security Implications Of Brute Force Tools

In the evolving landscape of digital security, tools like FaceBF have emerged, claiming capabilities that challenge our notions of privacy and access. FaceBF, purportedly a tool designed for hacking Facebook accounts via brute force methods, underscores a growing concern in cybersecurity: the ease of unauthorized access to personal information. This article delves into the ethical …

Awesome Password Cracking : Unlocking The Code – A Comprehensive Guide To Tools And Techniques

In cryptanalysis and computer security, password cracking is the process of recovering passwords from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer system in scrambled form. A common approach (brute-force attack) is to repeatedly try guesses for the password and to check them against an available cryptographic hash of the password. This …

Passwordless Authentication Should Become Mainstream by 2023

Since the days of Ancient Rome and Egypt, people have used passwords to authenticate and grant access. Nowadays, passwords are more common than ever. From Netflix to Amazon and all the other online platforms, the average person has 90 online accounts. To save time and make login credentials easier to remember, most people recycle passwords …

How to Protect Yourself Against Common Password Attacks

To avoid password attacks, Authentication and access management may be evolving, but passwords are not going to disappear in the near future. Experts believe that the number of passwords in use will reach 300 billion in 2020.  Although IT professionals understand the significance of secure passwords, almost 70% of employees share passwords in a non-secure …

Online Password Bruteforce with Hydra-GTK

Hydra (better known as “thc-hydra”) is an online password attack tool. It brute forces various combinations on live services like telnet, ssh, http, https, smb, snmp, smtp etc. Hydra supports 30+ protocols including their SSL enabled ones. It brute forces on services we specify by using user-lists & wordlists. Hydra works in 4 modes: Pentesters use …

John The Ripper – One Stop Password Audit Tool

John The Ripper – A one stop password audit tool for various formats John is a state of the art offline password cracking tool. John was better known as John The Ripper(JTR) combines many forms of password crackers into one single tool. It automatically detects the type of password & tries to crack them with …


Lab 2: Test the complexity of a Windows System, Cracking Windows hashes using Johnny When cracking Windows passwords if LM hashing is not disabled, two hashes are stored in the SAM database. SAM is Security Accounts Manager. It stores the LM & NTLM hashes in an encrypted form. So first we have to decrypt or …