Ph0neutria : Malware Zoo Builder That Sources Samples Straight From The Wild


Ph0neutria is a malware zoo builder that sources samples straight from the wild. Everything is stored in Viper for ease of access and manageability. It aims to: Limit the scope of crawling to only frequently updated and reliable sources.Maximise the effectiveness of individual indicators.Offer a single, reliable and well organised storage mechanism.Not do work that can instead be done by Viper. What...

Ustealer : Steal Ubuntu Information In Local PC


Ustealer is a Ubuntu stealer, steal Ubuntu information in local PC. This tool is always good to go with the USB key. Requirements G++ sudo apt-get install g++ libsqlite3 sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev Compilation Go in Ustealer/ folder and run makefile make Also Read - PacBot : Platform For Continuous Compliance & Security Automation For The Cloud Usage ./ustealer Download

Pe-Sieve : Recognizes & Dumps A Variety Of Potentially Malicious Implants


PE-sieve is a light-weight tool that helps to detect malware running on the system, as well as to collect the potentially malicious material for further analysis. Recognizes and dumps variety of implants within the scanned process: replaced/injected PEs, shellcodes, hooks, and other in-memory patches. Detects inline hooks, Process Hollowing, Process Doppelgänging, Reflective DLL Injection, etc. Also Read - OSINT-SPY : Performs OSINT...

Horn3t : Powerful Visual Subdomain Enumeration at the Click of a Mouse


Horn3t is your number one tool for exploring subdomains visually. Tested on Windows 10 and Debian with Google Chrome/Chromium 73. Recon your targets at blazing speedEnhance your productivity by focusing on interesting looking sitesEnumerate critical sites immediatelySting your target Building on the great Sublist3r framework (or extensible with your favorite one) it searches for subdomains and generates awesome picture previews. Get a fast overview of...

PacBot : Platform For Continuous Compliance & Security Automation For The Cloud


PacBot is a platform for continuous compliance monitoring, compliance reporting and security automation for the cloud. In PacBot, security and compliance policies are implemented as code. All resources discovered by PacBot are evaluated against these policies to gauge policy conformance. The PacBot auto-fix framework provides the ability to automatically respond to policy violations by taking predefined actions. PacBot...

OSINT-SPY : Performs OSINT Scan On Email/Domain/IP_Address/Organisation


Performs OSINT scan on email/domain/ip_address/organization using OSINT-SPY. It can be used by Data Miners, Infosec Researchers, Penetration Testers and cyber crime investigator in order to find deep information about their target. Overview Of This Tool Perform scan on IP Address / domain / email address / BTC(bitcoin) address / deviceFind out latest bitcoin block informationList out all the ciphers supported...

PAnalizer : Forensic Tool Search Images In A Specific Directory


PAnalizer is a forensic tool, you can search pornographic images in a specific directory, this is util in Pedestrian Detection. Also you can search a specific person in image set, is necessary give to the application a few pictures of the person of interest. Also Read- Recon-T : Reconnaisance – Footprinting – Information Disclosure The objective is always to improve...

FinalRecon : OSINT Tool for All-In-One Web Peconnaissance


FinalRecon is a fast and simple python script for web reconnaissance. It follows a modular structure so in future new modules can be added with ease. Features It provides detailed information such as : Header Information Also Read - ExtAnalysis : Browser Extension Analysis Framework WHOIS SSL Certificate Details Crawler More modules will be added in future. Tested on Kali Linux 2019.1BlackArch Linux Installation git clone FinalReconpip3 install...

iCULeak : Tool To Find & Extract Credentials From Phone Configuration Files Hosted On CUCM


iCULeak ( is a tool to find and extract credentials from phone configuration files in environments managed by Cisco's CUCM (Call Manager). When using Cisco's CUCM (Call Manager), phone configuration files are stored on a TFTP server. These VoIP phone configuration files quite frequently contain sensitive data, including phone SSH/admin credentials. There is also an issue with how some browsers...

Recon-T : Reconnaisance – Footprinting – Information Disclosure


Recon-T made for reconnaissance and information gathering with an emphasis on simplicity. It will do everything from. Features Information Security HeadersWAF DetectorBanner GrabbingPhone NumberCredit Card NumberEmailUS Social Security NumberUrl CrawlDom Paramter UrlInternal Dynamic ParamterExternal Dynamic ParamterInternal LinkExternal LinkPort ScannerSubdomain Enumeration Recon-TRequirements clickrequestscolorlogbs4tldextract Also Read - PeekABoo : Penetration Testing To Enable Remote Desktop On The Targeted Machine Recon-T Usage & Installation $ apt-get install python3...