SSH Auditor – Scan For Weak SSH Passwords On Your Network

SSH Auditor is the best way to scan for weak ssh passwords on your network. SSH Auditor will automatically:

  • Re-check all known hosts as new credentials are added. It will only check the new credentials.
  • Queue a full credential scan on any new host discovered.
  • Queue a full credential scan on any known host whose ssh version or key fingerprint changes.
  • Attempt command execution as well as attempt to tunnel a TCP connection.
  • Re-check each credential using a per credential scan_interval – default 14 days.

It’s designed so that you can run ssh-auditor discover + ssh-auditor scanfrom cron every hour to to perform a constant audit.

Also ReadManticore : Symbolic Execution Tool

Installation SSH Auditor

$ brew install go # or however you want to install the go compiler
$ go get

or Build from a git clone

$ go build

Build A Static Binary Including SQLite

$ make static

Ensure you can use enough file descriptors

$ ulimit -n 4096

Create initial database and discover ssh servers

$ ./ssh-auditor discover -p 22 -p 2222

Add credential pairs to check

$ ./ssh-auditor addcredential root root
$ ./ssh-auditor addcredential admin admin
$ ./ssh-auditor addcredential guest guest --scan-interval 1 #check this once per day

Try credentials against discovered hosts in a batch of 20000

$ ./ssh-auditor scan

Output a report on what credentials worked

$ ./ssh-auditor vuln

RE-Check credentials that worked

$ ./ssh-auditor rescan

Output a report on duplicate key usage

$ ./ssh-auditor dupes

Video Demos

Earlier demo showing all of the features

Demo showing improved log output

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